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Roger's books

  A Declaration of Independence
This sequel to Roger's first book, "Straight Talking on Europe, is a new collection of his speeches and press articles covering the key issues in Britain's relationship with the continent, and he addresses them in the robust, no-nonsense way that will be familiar to those who have heard him speak, or who have read his earlier book

Further Details

  Straight Talking on Europe
In this collection of his speeches and press articles, Roger issues a wake up call to Britain, to recognise the clear and present danger to our prosperity, our democracy and our independence which results from ever deeper European integration. If we don't take decisive action soon, he argues, it may soon be too late.

Further Details

The following essays and papers can all be downloaded in Adobe pdf format

Looking Forward - A Conservative Vision
After a third election defeat, the Party recognises the need for challenging new thinking. But rather than abandoning Conservative principles, we believe we need to apply them in innovative ways for the new century. In a word, we are about liberty and prosperity. This collection of essays takes a fresh look at many of these issues, and proposes genuinely Conservative solutions to the policy options we face.
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Being Conservative: A Cornerstone of Policies to Revive Tory Britain
A renegotiation of Britain’s membership of the European Union; radical reform of health and education; and taking millions of low paid workers and pensioners out of tax; should be at the heart of Conservative policy, members of the Cornerstone Group of Tory MPs, including key shadow ministers, say in a pamphlet published today.
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The Generation of Sustainable Power and the Need for a Sustainability Evaluation
A paper by Peter Ward which questions the benefits to the environment of wind turbines.
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