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Climate pre-Cancun

Plenary Speech - Wednesday, 24th November 2010

Mr President

Speaking in a personal capacity, let me remind colleagues that the public have lost faith in man-made global warming. Voters are sick of being blamed for climate change, and they're no longer prepared to pay for it.

More and more scientists are going public to challenge the climate orthodoxy. The credibility of the IPCC has been shot to pieces.

Recent small changes in climate are entirely consistent with well-established, long-term, natural climate cycles.

Copenhagen failed for the same reason that Cancun will fail. The USA with its new Republican majority in the House will not buy Cap'n'Trade. India and China will not forgo progress in the name of climate hysteria.

Our Green Policies are probably unnecessary, certainly ineffectual, and ruinously expensive. If Europe acts alone we will destroy our economies and impoverish our grandchildren while making no impact at all on climate.

We are embracing poverty by choice in the name of a disputed scientific theory. It's time to change course.

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